
Denim Kilts

2 products

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 products

Still, also a kilt rules the garment assiduity If Denim is the king of texture. So, we intermingled the two, and the iconic Raw Denim Kilts turned out. Yes, you heard that rightly. You can now parade the love for denim and respect for tradition in a single outfit. So, whether it's a Saturday party night or a lake-side wedding, these each-rounders have got your reverse. Not only are they fashionable, but they're also uber-practical. Available in-store as raw denim kilts, you get the aesthetic and the fund space. Each of our designs is sutured by fabulous art to stay true to the customs of kilt-timber. As a made-to-measure product, you can harness the fabric's full eventuality with a smart, elegant fit.

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 products
Active Men Denim Utility Kilt - Imperial Highland Supplies
Active Men Denim Utility Kilt
Sale price$90.00
Add-On Deals
Available Colors 3
Custom made in 1 week
Customization available
Heavy Duty Denim and Leather Kilt - Imperial Highland Supplies
Add-On Deals
Available Colors 3
Custom made in 1 week
Customization available