Imperial Highland Supplies
Imperial Highland Supplies

Tartan Finder

Looking for your Clan/Family Tartan and unable to find it?

Scottish Kilt can surely help you to find it the quickest way so you can order your desired kilt/outfit.

Ordering any product made of Tartan is now a 4 step process, search and select your clan/tartan from our large database, choose your desired product, give measurements and proceed to checkout!

Tartan Finder

Looking for your Clan/Family Tartan and unable to find it?

Scottish Kilt can surely help you to find it the quickest way so you can order your desired kilt/outfit.

Ordering any product made of Tartan is now a 4 step process, search and select your clan/tartan from our large database, choose your desired product, give measurements and proceed to checkout!

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SKU: TF-2789

AVAILABILITY: In stock (0 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Tartan Finder

VENDOR: Imperial Highland Supplies

The Black Watch Ancient Tartan is the name used by The 42nd Royal Highland Regiment (The Black Watch), the top Highland Regiment. It was first established in 1729 it was formed as there were four Independent Companies of Highlanders to protect...


SKU: TF-2450

AVAILABILITY: In stock (0 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Tartan Finder

VENDOR: Imperial Highland Supplies

The Black Watch Tartan bears the name of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment (The Black Watch), the most prestigious Highland Regiment. The regiment was established in 1729 it was formed as the four Independent Companies of Highlanders to guard and maintain...


SKU: TF-1849

AVAILABILITY: In stock (0 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Tartan Finder

VENDOR: Imperial Highland Supplies

The 1819 Key Pattern Book of William Wilson & Sons who were the suppliers of tartan for the military, wrote regarding the Black Watch tartan: "This is said to be the Munro Tartan - but it is far more probable...


SKU: TF-2449

AVAILABILITY: In stock (0 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Tartan Finder

VENDOR: Imperial Highland Supplies

The Black Watch Tartan bears the name of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment (The Black Watch), the most prestigious Highland Regiment. It was first established in 1729 in 1729, as the four Independent Companies of Highlanders to guard and maintain peace...


SKU: TF-2954

AVAILABILITY: In stock (0 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Tartan Finder

VENDOR: Imperial Highland Supplies

The famous navy, black and green tartan has the name of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment ( Black Watch), the most prestigious Highland Regiment first raised in 1729. It was formed as four independent companies comprised of Highlanders to guard...


SKU: TF-3003

AVAILABILITY: In stock (0 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Tartan Finder

VENDOR: Imperial Highland Supplies

Black Watch Tartan


SKU: TF-1847

AVAILABILITY: In stock (0 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Tartan Finder

VENDOR: Imperial Highland Supplies

The Black Watch Tartan bears the name of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment (The Black Watch), the top Highland Regiment. The regiment was established in 1729 it was formed as four Independent Companies of Highlanders to guard and maintain peace in...
