Promote Imperial Highland Supplies & Get Rewarded

At Imperial Highland Supplies, we pride ourselves on offering the absolute best kilts. We know that once people try on our kilts, they love them, but it takes a lot of work for us to get the word out about our kilts. We’ve found that one of the best ways to promote our Imperial Highland Supplies is by asking our customers to help. We know that writing reviews, taking photos and shooting videos takes time, and we greatly appreciate the help from our customers. That’s why we’ve put together the following promotional programs that entitle you to free gifts and discounts for promoting IHS.
Video Review Discount Program
Video Reviews help people see how kilts look and learn more about them, and they’re a great promotional tool. If you make a reward video and then post it on YouTube, we’ll give you a $30 discount coupon as a thank you. Be honest in your review; you’ll get the coupon no matter what the content says.
Trustpilot Review Discount Program
Trustpilot Reviews The world’s most powerful review platform, free and open to all. Our mission is to be a universal symbol of trust. we’ll give you a $30 discount coupon as a thank you. Be honest in your review; you’ll get the coupon no matter what the content says.
Trustpilot Product Review Discount Program
Trustpilot Reviews The world’s most powerful review platform, free and open to all. Our mission is to be a universal symbol of trust. we’ll give you additional $10 discount coupon as a thank you. Be honest in your review; you’ll get the coupon no matter what the content says.